Home Political Why Parsi’s and Christians are eligible under CAA but not Muslims? Explained by Amit Shah

Why Parsi’s and Christians are eligible under CAA but not Muslims? Explained by Amit Shah

Why Parsi’s and Christians are eligible under CAA but not Muslims? Explained by Amit Shah

Amit Shah described the CAA as a “special law” for persecuted minorities from three countries who entered India without proper documents.

Today, Home Minister Amit Shah addressed a common question about the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA): Why does it include Parsis and Christians but not Muslims? The CAA is meant to grant citizenship to persecuted minorities from Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh who came to India before December 31, 2014.

In an interview to news agency ANI, Mr Shah was asked why the Act allows even Parsis and Christians – religions not born in India – to seek citizenship, but not Muslims. “That (area) is not a part of India today because of a Muslim population. It was given for them. I believe it is our moral and Constitutional responsibility to give shelter to those who were part of Akhand Bharat and suffered religious persecution,” he replied. Akhand Bharat is the concept of a united greater India that spans modern-day Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, the Maldives, Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tibet.


The Home Minister said Hindus accounted for 23% of Pakistan’s population at the time of Partition. “Now it is down to 3.7%. Where did they go? These many people did not come here. Forced conversion took place, they were humiliated, treated as second-class citizens. Where will they go? Shouldn’t our Parliament and political parties take a decision on this?

The Home Minister mentioned that Hindus were 22% of Bangladesh’s population in 1951, but it dropped to 10% by 2011. He questioned where they went.

He also highlighted the decline of Sikhs and Hindus in Afghanistan from 2 lakh in 1992 to just 500 now, emphasizing their right to live according to their beliefs. He expressed a sense of kinship, stating they were once part of India and are like family.

When asked about persecuted groups like Shia, Baloch, and Ahmadiyya Muslims, he explained that globally, they’re seen as part of the Muslim community. However, even Muslims can apply for Indian citizenship as per the Constitution. The government will assess applications, considering national security and other factors. He reiterated that the CAA is specifically for persecuted minorities from three countries who entered India without proper documents.

Asked what about those who have no documents at all, Mr Shah said, “We will find a solution for those who do not have documents. But as per my estimates, more than 85% of them have documents.”