Home Blackjack Splitting in Blackjack – A Complete Guide

Splitting in Blackjack – A Complete Guide


Splitting in blackjack is a great strategy and when played the right way it can give you a lot of benefits. Continue reading below to know everything about splitting in blackjack.

The goal of blackjack is for a player to beat the dealer by gaining a total that is as near to 21 as possible without exceeding this number. In blackjack, if a player is dealt a pair of the same ranked initial cards, known as a pair, the player might very well split them into separate hands and request a new second card for each while placing a full initial bet equal to the original wager with each.

The dealer gives the player an extra card for each split card after the wager for the split hands is placed. In a competitive rivalry against the dealer, the two hands formed by splitting are considered separately. Splitting a bad hand into one or two hands with a good chance of winning allows the gambler to turn it into one or two hands with a good chance of winning. When the dealer busts, the player can also double the bet. Splitting is very important in the game of blackjack. Below are some rules that you will have to keep in mind.


Some rules allow the player to resplit until he or she has four hands, or to double the bet after a split so that each hand has the same bet. According to standard rules, when a bet is doubled on a hand, the player is only allowed to draw one more card for that hand. There are lots of things regarding splitting in Blackjack. You will have to be aware of the rules and should know what to split and what not to split in a black jack game. You will learn everything below. 

Read: How to Play Blackjack?

Splitting aces and eights

Splitting aces and eights are part of the basic blackjack strategy. There are conditional strategic responses based on the number of decks used, the frequency of shuffling, and the dealer’s cards, and rules for resplitting, doubling, multiple cards draws, and blackjack payout varies by the gambling establishment. When dealt with either pair as the first two cards, the blackjack community’s common strategic wisdom is to Always split aces and eights, regardless of the circumstances. This rule should be the foundation of any splitting strategy. It is one of the most important blackjack rules.


A pair of aces gives a blackjack player either a 2 or a soft 12, which is a problematic starting hand in either case. A player who splits aces has two chances to hit 21. Because splitting aces is so advantageous to the player, most casinos have rules restricting the player’s ability to do so. In most casinos, each split ace allows the player to draw only one card.

A ten on a split ace or vice versa is not considered a natural blackjack, and as a result, no bonus is given. Resplitting and redoubling are also frequently prohibited. Splitting aces is always a good idea, regardless of the payout for blackjack, the rules for resplitting, doubling, multiple cards draws, or the dealer’s cards. Playing blackjack with focusing on Ace is a good strategy.


When a player is dealt two eights, the total of 16 is considered a difficult hand. In fact, in blackjack, the value 16 is said to be the worst hand possible. With sixteen of the remaining fifty cards having a value of 10 and four having a value of 11, there’s a good chance of getting an 18 with either or both split cards. A hand with a total of 18 or 19 is far more powerful than one with a total of 16. Splitting eights reduces losses while also improving one’s hand.

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By splitting eights, a hand with an expected loss can be converted into two hands with an expected profit or lower loss, depending entirely on what the dealer is showing. A split pair of eights is supposed to win against dealer upcards ranging from 2 to 7 and lose less against dealer upcards ranging from 8 to ace. For a $100 bet, a player who hits on a pair of eights is expected to lose $52. Whereas if the player splits the eights, he will only lose $43 on a $100 bet.

  • If the dealer shows a 7 or less, split the 7s.
  • If the dealer shows 6 or less, split the 6s.
  • 4s should not be split.
  • Only split 3s if the dealer has 4-7.
  • If the dealer shows 9 or less, double down instead of splitting 5s.
  • If the dealer shows 3-7, split the 2s.

Read: Introduction to Blackjack Welcome Bonus

Do not split tens, fours, and fives

  • Splitting tens isn’t the best bet because it destroys a strong hand that you’re unlikely to improve with either of your split hands.
  • You can’t go bust with your next hit if you have a pair of fours. You can get a maximum of 19, which is a respectable total. Only three cards, a five, six, or seven, can improve your hands if you split.
  • When you have a ten, you have an excellent hand and should double down unless the dealer has a nine, ten, or ace. Splitting fives will almost always result in a lower-value hand or one with a higher chance of busting later in the hand.

Disadvantages of Splitting in blackjack

When splitting blackjack cards, you must consider the risk against the reward, just like any other form of gambling. While splitting increases your chances of winning twice as much in a hand, common sense specifies that you can also lose twice as much if it goes wrong.

We don’t recommend splitting every single pair all of the time because of the risk. Make the right decision at the right time. If you’re unsure, don’t split; no one will hold it against you.

You must also accept that the dealer can win even if you play correctly and pay to split in the right circumstances. This is part of the game, and you must accept that your decision was correct in the long run. Don’t get frustrated because it will impair your judgment, which is never a good thing at the table. Rules of blackjack are not very complicated if you try to understand them carefully.

Things to keep in mind

Splitting in Blackjack is great but you will have to keep a few things in your mind when you are going for it. 

  • Splitting ten-value cards is only permitted in some casinos if the cards are of the same rank. Furthermore, Splitting a ten-to-one hand is acceptable, but not a jack-queen hand.
  • Doubling down and further hand splitting may be restricted after the initial split.
  • A non-blackjack 21 can be made with an ace and a ten-card after the first split.
  • You are usually not permitted to hit more than once after splitting aces.
  • If you know about the blackjack rules then you can easily understand splitting in blackjack.

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