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Psychology of Successful Gambling

Psychology of Successful Gambling

Understanding the Psychology behind Gambling Addiction

How can I gamble successfully? The most often asked question among gamblers is probably this one. In a vain attempt to become one, people will buy books, read betting tips online, and seek seasoned gamblers for advice.

The solution might surprise you a little, but you can’t. You should know that you cannot be successful and a gambler at the same time before you quickly leave this page.

Everybody has heard tales about savvy gamblers. They resemble urban lore. However, much like other urban myth, they don’t give the whole context of the entire tale.

In this article, we’ll look at the psychology of gambling and discuss the mistakes you should make if you want to profit from sports betting.

Gambling addiction can affect people from all walks of life. Gambling can transform from a pleasant, enjoyable pastime to an obsessive preoccupation with negative effects. Whether you wager on sports, roulette, poker, scratch-off tickets, or slots in a casino, at a racetrack, or online, it makes no difference.

An issue with gambling can:

  • relationship injury
  • disrupt the work
  • resulting in financial devastation

A gambling addict may engage in behavior they never imagined possible, such as incurring significant debt or even engaging in theft to fund their gambling habit. These behaviors resemble drug addiction and may also necessitate therapy.

What is the Psychology of Gambling?

A strange psychological phenomenon is gambling or rather the psychology of gambling addiction. As a result, a lot of research has been done on the psychological factors that influence gambling behavior. The following are 5 intriguing gambling findings:

A positive attitude may encourage more gambling.

A study discovered a link between mood-enhancing factors (such as the number of sunny days or the success of a specific sports club) and an increase in gambling. According to the justification, people take more risks when they are feeling well.

The fallacy of the gambler.

When seven consecutive black numbers appear in the roulette wheel, the player will wager on red. The gambler’s fallacy is a well-known psychological phenomenon that underlies this.

It is a common misconception that if an event repeats itself, a different event is about to happen. In actuality, the chances of any certain occurrence occurring are always the same.

Adapting one’s expectations for success.

In a fascinating study, racetrack gamblers were asked to predict the likelihood that their favorite horse would triumph both before and after placing a wager on it. Gamblers showed a tendency to think that their horse had a better chance of winning after they had placed their bets. They were more optimistic because of the increased dedication.

The bandwagon impact

We have all witnessed the surge in ticket sales that occurs when lottery prizes hit record highs and receive significant media coverage. Nobody wants to be excluded from the process. People who have never purchased lottery tickets before will “jump on the bandwagon” at times like these.

Superstitions and betting methods.

Gambling is a random event by definition. However, a lot of gamblers have a strong belief that they can develop a strategy to succeed at the game.

This comprises:

  • Making an effort to identify patterns in random numbers (there are none),
  • Choosing “hot” slot machines or staying away from “cold” ones (for example, playing a machine because it’s “hot” or playing one that hasn’t paid out but thinks it should),
  • Ritualistic actions (such as donning specific clothing or touching machinery with a lucky charm) or
  • The gambler’s delusion that they have some measure of control over a game in which luck ultimately rules is known as the illusion of control.

The Psychological Links Between Substance Use and Gambling

We are aware of the extreme addiction potential of gaming. And frequently, these psychological processes serve to strengthen the addiction. Many of the neurological processes that underlie drug addiction and gambling addiction are similar, according to research in neuroscience (the study of the brain and nervous system).

Gamblers play more than they intend to and place bigger bets as a result of near-misses and independent decisions. After a while, the exaggerated expectations of success encourage “loss chasing,” in which gamblers keep playing in an attempt to recover their losses.

One of the characteristics of problem gambling, which is comparable to substance use disorder, is loss chasing (SUD). When the chance to gamble is lost, problem gamblers also experience cravings and withdrawal symptoms.


Gambling addiction contains biological components in addition to a variety of psychological variables. Dopamine is a key player in substance use disorders and may be improperly regulated in pathological gamblers.

Researchers are learning how gambling games keep people playing by using advances in brain imaging technology. When people win money, there is a consistent pattern of brain activity, according to research. A crucial component of a reward circuit that also responds to natural reinforcement like food and sex is a section of the brain called the striatum, which is located close to the center of the brain. It reacts to recreational substances like cocaine as well.

The Complication of the Dual Diagnosis

Early-life gambling addiction is a risk factor for substance abuse issues as well as impulsive disorders including ADHD and antisocial personality disorder. More often than men, women who have gambling disorders also have depression, bipolar illness, and anxiety disorders.

An extensive study conducted in the United States revealed that alcohol addiction is the most common co-occurring condition with SUD and gambling disorders. More than 73 percent of those who struggled with gambling addictions also struggled with alcoholism. Dual diagnosis, or having a SUD plus a co-occurring mental disease, calls for a unique treatment plan.

Addiction to Gambling in 4 Easy Steps

The four stages of gambling addiction have been recognized by the Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery and are as follows:

  1. The winning phase

Big wins typically signal the beginning of the winning phase by generating enthusiasm and a favorable perception of gambling. Problem gamblers think they have a special talent for gambling and will keep winning. Then they start to gamble more frequently and spend more money.

  1. Losing Phase 

Gambling becomes a problem for those who have it. They begin to gamble alone, neglect work, borrow money, tell lies to loved ones, and fail to make their debt payments. They might start chasing their losses as well.

3. The desperate stage

They start to become totally uncontrollable when they gamble. Even if they are ashamed and guilty, they can’t stop. To support their habit, they may commit fraud or theft. They may experience job loss, divorce, or even arrest when the effects of compulsive gambling finally catch up with them.

4. The Helpless Stage

Gamblers “hit rock bottom” at the hopeless stage. They don’t think anyone will care or that they can get aid. They are no longer concerned with living or dying. They might be abusing alcohol or drugs at this point to dull the agony. And tragically, a lot of problem gamblers think about or make suicide attempts.

Is it Possible to Treat Gambling Addiction?

It can, really. Additionally, Kingsway Recovery has the expertise and treatment approaches tailored specifically for circumstances involving dual diagnoses and gambling addiction. Additionally, Kingsway offers many levels of care so that you can begin therapy at the level you require and end it when you’re ready.

Additionally, we have qualified addiction counselors and specialists that can help you navigate the therapy you need to delve deeply into your problems and any underlying causes of your addiction. Don’t hesitate to get active in your life once more. Call us right away.

Psychology of successful gambling FAQs
  1. A gambling personality is what?

Poorly adapted, alcoholic, impulsive, disorganized, emotionally unstable, or having a “globally adapted” personality. These characteristics characterize the four diagnosed types of compulsive gamblers that Spanish researchers have found.

  1. What causes gambling addiction in the first place?

Gamblers use gambling as a coping mechanism for dealing with the stresses and responsibilities of daily life, which is where gambling addiction has its emotional start. When a gaming activity develops into an obsessive behavior, this fact of gambling addiction is most readily visible.

  1. Is playing poker a mental illness?

Gambling disorder was recognized as a diagnosable illness in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) as of 2013.