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Basic Rules Of Kabaddi

Basic Rules Of Kabaddi

Kabaddi is a game of speed, strength, and quick thinking. One needs to be incredibly fit to play Kabaddi or the player won’t be able to survive even for a few seconds, which is the main point of the game – seconds. In a matter of just a few seconds, a game can change. But just like every other game, Kabaddi also has rules which the players have to keep in mind.

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But the rules of Kabaddi are simple. Let’s take a look at what exactly is the game of Kabaddi: 

Kabaddi is played in two styles – Standard and Circle. The difference between Standard and Circle styles is the measurement of the play area. In Standard Style Kabaddi, the measurement of the mat is 13m x 10m. This style allows a maximum of seven players below 80kg along with five named substitutes. 

Circle Style in Kabaddi, as one can guess, is played in a circular area of 22 meters radius. A maximum of eight players start here in one team and it has no weight restrictions. 

There are two teams on each side of the mat. From one team, a raider goes into the half of the other team where he/she has to by tagging at least one opponent and come back into his/her team’s half. 

While doing so, the raider has to keep chanting ‘Kabaddi, Kabaddi’ throughout the raid, which is for 30 seconds. If the raider stops the chant or fails to come back into his/her half, then he/she will be given out.  

Defending has to make sure that the raider doesn’t get a point. The strategy could be to stay away from the raider and don’t give much opportunity for a tag or pounce on him so that he/she won’t be able to go back. 

The game is for 40 minutes with 20-20 minutes half. The team which scores the maximum points wins the match. 

Additional Rules: 

The court has two lines – Baulk Line and Bonus Line. The raider has to pass the baulk line or else that raid won’t be counted and he/she would be given out. Bonus line is the line that is applicable when at least four defenders are at the court. 

If the raider touches it with one leg in the air, then his/her team will get one point irrespective of whether that raider gets out or not. 

If a raider tags three or more defenders in one raid, then it is called as Super Raid and additional points are given to the team. Similarly, if three or less than three defenders grab a raider then it is called a Super Tackle and additional points are given.